Writing Contributions
Mathematicians tour the mathematical blogosphere. Alongside Rachel Crowell, I am a co-editor of the American Mathematical Society (AMS) Blog on Math Blogs — those connected with media and independent — on topics related to mathematics research, applied mathematics, mathematicians, math in the news, mathematics education, math, and the arts and more.
Writing Contributions
I’ve written several posts offering my own (and shared) reflections on how to build a more inclusive environment that encourages and promotes diversity and the importance of community. You can read more here:
Broadening the Horizons of Teaching and Diversity in Mathematics Departments (with Marissa Loving, Simone Sisneros-Thiry, Sunny Xiao)
Also, I was very excited to be featured in the AMS Next Generation of Mathematics poster, in which I share the best piece of advice I received in graduate school.